SetDepthOfField( <near start>, <near end>, <far start>, <far end>, <near blur>, <far blur> )

Module: Player


Set the depth of field values for a player. If start >= end for near or far, depth of field is disabled for that region.

Call this on:



self SetDepthOfField( 10, 80, 1000, 7000, 5, 1.5 );

Required Args:

  • 1 : <near start> Before this distance, near depth of field is maximally blurry
  • 2 : <near end> After this distance, near depth of field is perfectly in focus
  • 3 : <far start> Before this distance, far depth of field is perfectly in focus
  • 4 : <far end> After this distance, far depth of field is maximally blurry
  • 5 : <near blur> Maximal blur radius for near depth of field, in pixels at 640x480
  • 6 : <far blur> Maximal blur radius for far depth of field, in pixels at 640x480