SetActionSlot( <slot #>, <option name>, <extra parameter> )

Module: Player


Sets the option to perform when the player executes (for example) "+actionslot 1".

Call this on:

The player


level.player SetActionSlot( 1, "altmode" );  //switch between attached m203 grenade launcher, if available
level.player SetActionSlot( 2, "nightvision" );  //toggle nightvision on and off
level.player SetActionSlot( 4, "weapon", "c4" );
level.player SetActionSlot( 3, "" );

Required Args:

  • 1 : <slot #>: 1 through 4, corresponding to bindings "+actionslot 1" through "+actionslot 4
  • 2 : <option name>: valid choices are "weapon", "nightVision", "altMode", and "" (blank).

Optional Args

  • 1 : <extra parameter>: Used by the "weapon" option, the name of the weapon to switch to.