PlayerLinkTo( <linkto entity>, <tag>, <viewpercentag fraction>, <right arc>, <left arc>, <top arc>, <bottom arc>, <collide> )

Module: Player
SP Only


Attaches the player to an entity. Any entity rotation is added to the player's view, allow the player to look around. Rotating the parent entity/tag will not move the player's eye position, but only the player's view angles. Thus, the player's eye position is locked in place, always directly above the parent tag.

Call this on:

A Player Entity


level.player PlayerLinkTo( vehicle, "tag_player", 0.5 );

Required Args:

  • 1 : <linkto entity> The entity to attach the player to.

Optional Args

  • 1 : <tag> The tag to attach the player to.
  • 2 : <view fraction> How much the change in the tag's rotation effects the players view. Defaults to 0.
  • 3 : <right arc> Angle to clamp view to the right. Defaults to 180.
  • 4 : <left arc> Angle to clamp view to the left. Defaults to 180.
  • 5 : <top arc> Angle to clamp view to the top. Defaults to 180.
  • 6 : <bottom arc> Angle to clamp view to the bottom. Defaults to 180.
  • 7 : <collide> true/false: Whether the player is to collide with geo, preventing the player from entering solid (but will try to keep the player as close as possible to the parent)