AnimMode( <mode> <clear path> )

Module: AI
SP Only


Set the way that animation deltas are interpreted by the game engine

Call this on:



self AnimMode( "gravity" );

Required Args:

  • 1 : <mode> which animmode to use. Must be 'gravity', 'nogravity', 'angle_deltas', 'zonly_physics', 'nophysics', 'none'


<mode> arguments-
  gravity:       The animation's angle and position deltas will be used, and gravity will pull the entity down.
  nogravity:     The animation's angle and position deltas will be used, gravity is ignored.
  angle_deltas:  The animation's angle deltas will be used.  The position will be fixed.  Gravity is effective.
  zonly_physics: Just like "gravity" mode, but only the Z (up and down) of the entity's position will change.
  none:          Use default animmode behavior (i.e., code controls the movement).